Proudly celebrating over 90 years serving our clients and the community
In 1927, Gregory Brunk and Peter Janss formed our present firm. Mr. Brunk served as the senior partner in the firm until his death in 1965. Over the course of his 38 year tenure he ably guided our firm through the Great Depression, World War II and the Korean War. Mr. Brunk funded the start of the Drake Law Review and, through his estate, provides continued funding for the Review.
Over the years other attorneys joined our firm, making their own impact on the Iowa legal community, most notably:
- Oliver Bennett-- Iowa Insurance Commissioner.
- George Wilson- one of Iowa’s most successful legislative lobbyists, because of his efforts we now have liquor sold in Iowa’s grocery stores. His father was Governor of Iowa and a U.S. Senator.
- Charles F. Wennerstrum- Nuremberg war crimes trial judge after World War II, later an Iowa Supreme Court Justice.
Over the years our firms has been known by several names, including:
- Brunk and Janss
- Brunk, Janss, Wensel and Dreher
- Brunk, Janss, Dreher, Wilson and Adams
- Dreher, Wilson and Adams
- Dreher, Simpson and Jensen
- Simpson, Jensen, Abels, Fischer & Bouslog P.C.
Our firm was legal counsel for the construction of the Alaskan pipe line and the Saudi Arabian highway by Greene Construction Company then one of the world’s largest construction contractors. We presently serve as corporate counsel for well over 100 corporations. Our attorneys represent a diverse array of specialties, assisting our clients in numerous areas including adoption, corporate governance, employment matters, estate planning and administration, family law, litigation, personal injury litigation, and real estate.
For many years our firm was located in the Equitable Building, this changed after a devastating fire. For four very long weeks we struggled to serve our clients without the benefit of our office and our files, but, like our clients, we persevered. We now provide clients with the same excellent service Gregory Brunk and Peter Janss did in our new location in Capital Square in downtown Des Moines.
As we approach our 100th Anniversary we remain committed to provide our clients with the best legal guidance possible. We are honored to be entrusted by our clients with their important legal matters.